Publications and Bibliography

This page presents current literature related to the work and thought of Alfred Schutz.

The Anthem Companion to Alfred Schutz

Edited by Michael Barber

The Interrelation of Phenomenology, Social Sciences and the Arts

Series: Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 69

Barber, Michael, Dreher, Jochen (Eds.)

2014, VII, 331 p. 6 illus.


Examines the interdependence of art, phenomenology, and social science

Offers an innovative framework for the analysis of works of art from the fields of literature, music, visual arts, photography, and film

Features papers from an international conference held to commemorate Alfred Schutz, the developer of phenomenologically oriented sociology ​

Collected Papers VI. Literary Reality and Relationships

Schutz, Alfred

Barber, Michael (Ed.)

2013, VI, 414 p.


A collection of previously scattered works of Alfred Schutz, the most famous phenomenologist to have related phenomenology to the cultural sciences

All of Schutz's work presented in the volume have never appeared in English before

Presents works from a neglected side of the Schutz corpus, namely writings on normative areas such as aesthetics and ethics

Schutzian Research: A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science

Volume 4 /  2012


Many of the papers in this, the fourth volume of Schutzian Research, were presented at Founding Meeting of The International Alfred Schutz Circle for Phenomenology and Interpretive Social Science held at The New School for Social Research of New York in May 2012. Lester Embree’s keynote address at the meeting traces the history of Schutz scholarship, and this volume is the latest contribution to that history. The papers have been contributed by scholars from Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States.

Phenomenology 2010, volume 5: Selected Essays from North America

Part 1: Phenomenology within Philosophy

Michael Barber,  Lester Embree, and Thomas J. Nenon (eds.)


Even though this volume represents half of the essays from the North American region, it reflects the breadth and scope of interest that characterized the international meeting of phenomenologists in Hong Kong. It contains nineteen essays from Canadian and United States phenomenologists representing thirteen different phenomenological organizations.

Alfred Schütz. Schriften zur Literatur

Jochen Dreher, Michael D. Barber (eds.)


Der Band »Schriften zur Literatur« vereint Literaturinterpretationen mit literaturtheoretischen und kulturkritischen Reflexionen von Alfred Schütz sowohl aus dem Früh- als auch Spätwerk, die insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund seiner Lebenswelttheorie entstanden.

Die Publikation beinhaltet die bisher unveröffentlichten Manuskripte »Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre« (1948)

Angewandte Phänomenologie

Zum Spannungsverhältnis von Konstruktion und Konstitution

Jochen Dreher (ed.)

Springer VS

Schutzian Research: Volume 6 / 2014

